Stage 4

Guided tour of the Tolosa market

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What to do > Cultural Heritage > Guided tour of the Tolosa Market

A perfect place to purchase unique products

Explore Tolosa’s vibrant market, which has been held every Saturday for more than 760 years, where you can immerse yourself in the local culture and discover fresh, authentic produce from the region. A perfect place to experience local life and purchase unique products.

A perfect place to experience local life and purchase unique products.

The Tolosa Market takes place every Saturday and is held in 3 venues, the most important of which is the Tinglado, where you will find more than 60 stalls full of seasonal and quality products.

As well as the Tinglado, on your visit to the Tolosa Market you should not miss the Plaza Verdura where you will find colourful flowers for your home, aromatic herbs for your recipes and fresh vegetables for your garden, all in the same place.

Meanwhile, in Plaza Euskal Herria, you will experience the legacy of a historical crossing of cultures with a variety of textiles and foreign products, reflecting its past as a meeting point between Navarre, France and Castile.

During the visit, which lasts approximately 1 hour, you will tour the 3 areas and have the opportunity to purchase local products.

Further information and bookings