Stage 6


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When you reach Leza, you will be greeted by beautiful buildings that rise up from its streets. The town centre maintains a multitude of renaissance-style homes.

Leza is also home to rich historical and cultural heritage. Among the town’s most noteworthy monuments are the San Juan Bautista church, Lezo palace, and Lezo bridge, all from the 16th century.

Leza is surrounded by a stunning natural environment where you can relax and enjoy life at your own pace. Right outside Leza, you can enjoy various outdoor activities such as hiking, cycling, and fishing.

Near town, of particular note is the dolmen of “El Sotillo”. This is one of the most important megalithic monuments in Araba/Álava. It is a testament to the culture of the first inhabitants of the region, and a reminder of the importance of archaeological research. The dolmen is open to the public and can be visited throughout the year. It can be found at just a 20-minute walk from the town of Leza.